Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Luck Be A Lady

Remember last week when it was raining and everything was terrible and I couldn't get over how bad I felt about myself? Today I feel sort of the opposite, and it's gorgeous out, but all of that is pretty ironic considering the course of events the transpired between 9:06 and 9:18 this morning.

9:06 am I'm walking out the door, dressed and ready to attack the day and I stop to pour my carrot/fruit juice blend (what? I'm trying to be healthy people...it's like dessert for my cheerios) into a water bottle "to-go". I shock myself by not spilling and put the sealed bottle into my purse. I decide to take one sip of the juice from the container before I go. Boom. Bright orange juice on my white top. (I have a tendency to just miss my mouth when drinking things). Well fuck, now I'm late. I go into my room and replace one white t-shirt with another. This one has delicious looking yellow pit-stains. Cardigan ON! [I'm writing this now blatantly not wearing my cardigan...I.don't.care]
9:12 am The light to cross Houston is going to change in a few seconds and I really want to make it to the other side before it does (remember, I'm running late now). I awkwardly run across the street and AHHHHHH, my left shoe flops off my foot and lands in the middle of the street. Stupid flats, stupid, stupid yellow flats. So what to do I do? I put my naked (I'm not wearing tights people, deal with it) left foot down on the PAVEMENT on HOUSTON STREET at AVENUE A and go back to pick up the shoe. And yes, the light has changed at this point so I do not have time to put my shoe back ON, but I have to HOP to the lane divider. HOP! In a PENCIL SKIRT!!! Sure, I could have put my foot down, but while it is completely acceptable to walk home from a bar at 4 am barefoot (oh, no? That's not acceptable? Well try reasoning with drunk Adria and see if you can get that point across), it just doesn't fly at 9 am. Plus, I'm way more aware of the possibilities of tetnis when I haven't had six Jack and Diet Cokes.

So, those two events aside it's actually been a really good day. In fact, even when they were happening I was laughing about them, not cursing under my breath. This is exhibit # 6,789 why I am 80% more pleasant to be around when the weather is nice.

RE: Yesterday's confusion, I called my mom for a bout of Motherly Advice on what to do about this receptionist position here. I would like to point out how lucky I am that my parents totally "get" me and my life goals. She agreed with me that I shouldn't stay just because its being offered if I'm not interested at all. I then launched into a speech about how "If I'm going to settle for a job it's certainly not going to be now when I'm not even 24 yet (it is looming in the very near future, however), and it's definitely not going to be at a law office. I'm at a point in my life where I can afford to be making a few mistakes. I'm at a point where I want to maybe make the wrong choice a few times, because then I'll at least know for the future, when I'm worried about things like owning a home and having children (BLJDFJ:LAGHLDFJ:SJDgrossssss)."

So you know what? I told them that I can't work here anymore after next Wednesday and do you know what happened? I got an email from the temp agency asking if I wanted to take a receptionist position at a Doctor's office through the end of June just on Thursdays and Fridays. I must be collecting on my good karma, or something, because not only did I get offered that but the hours are effing sweet (the money isn't, but for a few hours a week, its worth it).

Broke, but happy,

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