Friday, May 14, 2010

I Like New York

Living in New York, to me, has always been like being in love. I walk around and I'm completely overwhelmed by my feelings of love for this place...but lately, I kind of just like it. It's like I was in love with someone completely and totally and then he sort of started to let himself go. He started wearing lame outfits and stopped making me laugh as much. Not to get all down on my new neighborhood (agaaaainn), but I know this is why.
People fall in love with this city every day, but no one falls in love with the same things. People love their neighborhoods, their restaurants, their grocery stores, their manicurists, their homeless people (or lack thereof). I miss my homeless people. I actually got really excited the other day becaues I saw the same lady that was drinking Kombucha out of a trash can in Union Square a month ago up in a park off the West Side Highway, I wanted to say hi...but I didn't.
It's just that I miss my New York...I don't feel like I'm not at home, I just feel like my home isn't as cool as it used to be. I care less about what I look like leaving the house (no joke, I've gone out in sweatpants twice. TWICE!), the service at the restaurants is impersonal and awkward, I still haven't done laundry because I miss my Polish laundry friend (and I don't really know where the closest place is. Still.) The New York I love is awake late at night (and not full of tourists trying to find their hotels), it's colorful and alive and confident and young.
I'm headed downtown after work tonight, so hopefully I'll feel better after I get a little dose in. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot to love, but my new new york isn't the same as my old new york. Maybe I'm just nostalgic, or being overdramatic, but I think I just know where I belong, and it's not where I am. Mistakes and steps in the wrong direction aren't a big deal, though, I'm glad that I know this now and can take the right steps and not make these mistakes again. Because I miss my stretch of Avenue A. A lot.
And so, the following is a list of The Only Places I Would Ever Want to Live In Permanently:
-New York City (below 23rd st, possibly Brooklyn, TBD)
And The Only Places I Would Ever Want to Live In Temporarily (up to five years):
-Los Angeles
 Call me closed-minded, I think I just know what I want. I'm also oddly practical (in this respect) and know that these three cities are really the only cities that you can live in and have a prosperous acting career in. By prosperous I mean ever-evolving and growing, which is what I want.

Have a good weekend everyone! I'm sure as hell going to try to!


Wilmary S. said...

I love NYC too!! And I would love to live temporarily in Spain...

Have a great weekend!

Anna said...

I don't think I could permanently live anywhere but the east coast. I guess it takes some time to get down to specifics... Anyway, I hope you find some new homeless people.

I gave you an award, BTW. :)

Erin @ YoungForever said...

I want to move to New York soooo bad... At least for a few years! I don't know if I could permanently leave California.