Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back in the USSR

I'm not really in the Soviet Union, folks, just to clear that up right off the bat. I just feel like that phrase more adequately suits being back anywhere, rather than saying "Back in NYC", cause that's stupid and not a song written by Sir Paul McC (that's his urban name). But I am, I am back here in the city after a very brief nap (read: flight), and undeniably worried. I'm worried because in the last 10 days I have earned $75 and spent about $700. So fuck me. And I don't have any work lined up for the rest of the week, save for a babysitting job on Sunday evening. I honestly can tell you that I don't know what to do. It seems really foolish to go out and get a new waitressing job, especially since I am planning on leaving the city in a month or so. I'm just sitting here with my lunch special delivery (thanks to the size of some lunch specials, that $13 can be both lunch AND dinner, you too can understand being totally broke in NYC. ugh) watching my dvd collection since my cable isn't working and it's too damn hot to even pretend to want to take the box in to Time Warner to get fixed and lamenting my pathetic existence. Maybe later I'll read a book and cry. And finish this fortune cookie.

But this isn't all tears and daily numbers. I got a blog award while I was away!

Here's the "rules"
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Share seven things about you
3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs
4. Let your nominees know about the award!
So here we go! LAUREN over at Lauren vs. Reality is just...gosh, I don't know what to say. She's my new favorite ginger, that's fer dern sure. No, really, we have a little blogosphere connection going on and I dig it. So thanks, Lauren!
Seven things about me, huh? Okay.
  1. I spent pretty much my entire childhood at gymnastics. I was obsessed with going to the olympics, but at the ripe old age of 12 I realized that I was already too old and would never be good enough in time, hung up the leotard and kept the duffel bag around to use on vacations and weekend trips well into June, 2010.
  2. I want to write a book but have no idea how to formulate a story like that (I have about 12 documents in files on my computer titled "Novel?" "Book...", etc.)
  3. I used to be obsessed with the idea of living in Kentucky. Undoubtedly this is because I read "Walk Two Moons" and the girl goes to some town in Kentucky and does something that I liked, like run around shoeless, probably. I grew up in New Jersey and would go in my backyard and pretend it was Kentucky. Pathetic? Yup.
  4. Everyone who's tasted my guacamole understands that there is no better. No, that's not an innuendo, you pervert.
  5. 90% of my close friends and family live in a two hour radius of my apartment. It's making it very difficult to decide to run away across the country.
  6. The first concert I ever went to was Hanson, at Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC, September 11, 2000. The day I got my braces off.
  7. "Work hard and you will become more wealthy" was the fortune I just got in my cookie. Guess I need to work to gain money. Thanks fortune cookie-o-duh!'
Fifteen new blogs, huh? I'm gonna just list a few that I really am feeling right now, because I feel like quality over quantity. So here goes:
  1. Ali at The Way I See It, because not only does she fit the "versatile blogger" status big time, but she's a real life friend, albeit a long-distance one.
  2. Annabelle at I'll Tell You Anyway
  3. Sarah at SMKM who has just about the best photo blog. Ever.
  4. Britney at The Why, because moving to NY and a "musical journey" are enough to win me over.
  5. Erin at I'm Staying Young Forever
And now that I've had a nice significant fight with my mom about moving across the country and have enough acid in my stomach from both chinese food and anxiety, I'm gonna go hibernate next to the fan and air conditioner and start crying now.


TbR said...

I feel your pain, kind of. Being broke in London is, I imagine, not that different to being broke in NYC. Just broke with a different accent. Hope the money comes rolling in soon.

Erin @ YoungForever said...

Thanks for the award :) I'll be sure to post it soon!!!

And hang in there... I am broke as well and it really sucks!

Anna said...

I feel like I'm SO poor at this point that I'm just going to throw my hands in the air and go shopping.

I've been applying to restaurant jobs, too, as you know, but I feel like I'm so lackluster about it. "Here my resume... Oh, you're not sure if you're hiring... yeah ok, that's cool, bye."

lalalalauren said...

Our little blogosphere connection is the best! Hehe.

And I'm not going to lie - I'm a little jealous that you've seen Hanson in concert. :P