Saturday, June 26, 2010

Keeping Score

The South-1, Adria-1

My new luggage order came the other day, to my parents' house (NJ taxes=way less than NYC taxes). As someone who generally travels by loading up her old gymnastics team duffel (circa 1995, this is NOT a joke) and throwing the rest of the stuff in some sort of large purse, or for a short time rocked an awesome vintage leather duffel bag (courtesy of the "Across The Universe" props department), until and following the point when the leather straps broke, were then tied back on, and then duct taped back on. There was also the time when I went to London for a semester and brought two huge rolling suitcases and upon arrival at Heathrow realized that the metal rolling handle was about to...OH SHIT IT BROKE! Yeah, that was fun. You'd think I'd have repaired it, but no, I just waited until it was time to fly home, took a cab to the airport and then paid for a dolley to carry it. Totally would have been cheaper to buy a new suitcase and take the Tube. Dumbass. So yeah, on this note, I am kicking The South's ass by having actual luggage!

Sure, it's small, but it's a carry-on and sure beats my ratty old Herve Chapillier shoulder bag. And plus, it was $75 and is DVF, so suck on that, label whores. It's not quite as cool as the vintage leather, but it's also probably not stained, broken, and full of hippie-background actor pubes.


Anna said...

GIMME GIMME. I absolutely need this in my life.

Adria said...

although they may be out of it.