Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And we're back...

Well, it was a lovely weekend, now, wasn't it?

I needed to get out of the city like a fish needs water, like we need air to breathe...actually, exactly like air, to be honest. As soon as we got north of the city on Saturday morning I felt my pace slowing, my shoulders lowering, and my neck...in extreme pain. What is it that they say about finally relaxing? That your residual stress finally shows itself? Needless to say I've had a stiff neck for four days now, I'm sure this was exacerbated by sleeping on a futon, since I'm clearly 230 years old and no longer can just sleep "wherever I end up".

OH! But I ruined the surprise...actually, this blog ruined it. We were going up to New Hampshire to surprise our friend M, for her birthday (which is actually June 27th, the same day as mine), and I figured it was safe to write about this trip because her evil job has blocked the URL, except that she clicked on my blog link and it magically was no longer blocked on Friday, which is good news, except that I said I was coming to New Hampshire. Friend fail.

Regardless of the neck pain (which is finally subsiding), the weekend was amazing. The weather was gorgeous, I really miss living near all of my college friends, and I'm seriously jealous of their lifestyle up there! They pay half of what I do in rent (expected) to share a five bedroom house between four girls! They cook almost every night (like, REALLY cook, not like throw some lettuce into a bowl and toss in a tomato-dinner!), and they have a puppy. Sometimes I wonder if living in the city is really for me, forever, but then I remember that I'd go a little crazy stuck in a small town all the time, and that there's no real room for me to advance my career outside of a select few cities. So thar she blows, I now know (this isn't really a "now" moment, since I've been saying this basically since I came screaming out the nether regions of...yeah, I'll stop) that I need to have an incredibly successful career so that I can afford a summer home on a lake...or on the beach...or both. Oh, here I go with my delusions of grandeur.

However, I scored myself a REAL acting job. A REAL, PAYING acting job. Granted, it was by shamelessly digging into my industry connections...but isn't what they're there for? I have to stop apologizing for this and allow myself to be excited about it. I'll be on set all weekend in a little boutique playing an employee, or something like that. This is hopefully just the first of many, many, many more paid acting gigs...otherwise that lake house is going to be a trash bag fort on the East River, and it will be my only home.

And, in an attempt not be a waste of space I'm going to make myself go to bed now and go to my new gym in the morning (isn't that always so exciting, a new gym?!)

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