Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm not going to lie to you all. I'm really excited to go away this weekend. My group of friends from college is a very...unique...bunch. Basically we're all batshit crazy. We've all done a decent amoutnt of growing up in the last two years, but something tells me that we'll be doing a bit of regression this weekend. The last time we all go together post-grad was...successful.

Here are some pictures, that I had a really good time with in PAINT for the last hour, from that weekend a year ago...

Basically, all day I've just been thinking about how excited I am about all of this. And discussing with my friends all of the seriously mediocre food establishments we'll be hitting up in the fabulousness that is Western, Upstate New York.

Additionally, for your viewing pleasure I have included the first half of the email that one of the brokers we are working with just sent to Roommate and I. I don't know how to react:

H to the izz O… V to the izz A… you girls a big time pimps and you obviously need a pimp apartment. I will totally meet you at 5:15 to check out the best NO FEE stuff in midtown west.
Also...he's white. I will hitherto refer to him as Hova da Broka.

Yeah. I'm gonna leave you with that.

1 comment:

H said...

email = AMAZING